Come & join us for a Free Information Session & learn how Scrum can help you in achieving your Personal & Professional goals.
Scrum is an incremental & iterative approach to project management. A significant part of the session will be dedicated towards the Time-boxing and how “Elon Musk” used it to work 100hr a week.
This session will also include section on how to get certified in SCRUM Foundation courses and
get certified as SCRUM master The event is absolutely FREE **
In this information Session, we will cover:
• Agile Manifesto
• What is Agile?
• What is Scrum?
• Introduction to Scrum- A Real world example (Case Study)
• What makes the Scrum Framework Succeed?
• Scrum Principles
• Scrum Artifacts
• Scrum Roles
• Definition of Done
• Time Blocking; Elon Musk’s method
• How does Scrum helps you professionally
The session will be presented by:
Jasneet Dua
(Certified SCRUM Master, Certified Advanced SCRUM Master & Certified SCRUM Professional)
Date & Time: Sunday, Feb 24; 11AM-1PM
Location: 2702, Norland Ave, Burnaby
Cost: FREE
Registration: https://www.meetup.com/India-in-Metro-Vancouver/events/258892594/