About White Lily And Nightrider:
June 9 to June 23 team Whitelily and Nightrider going on exclusive Canada Tour. Performances planned in Toronto on 9th June Vancouver on 16th and Calgary on 22nd.
This journey of this cult play started back in 2009 with Late Rasika Joshi as Whitelily. Rasika Joshi was veteran theatre actor and renowned tv and bollywood face. Ek Hasina Thi,Malamala Weekly, Bhulbhulayya like successful hindi films and many marathi films with Successful serial like Bandini were her credentials. She and Milind Phatak jointly wrote direct and acted in this play.
2009 was very transitory period with reference to marriage institution and that happened to be the trigger to write this play. Because of economical conditions and globalisation, many couples were sharing long distance relationships,and internet revolution changed the total concept of communication. People started connecting but the real connect was lost. People started chatting,emoting by emojis but the real talk,real emotion was lost somewhere in transit.In general tolerating someone for 24hours started becoming difficult and then when whitelily says in the play to nightrider that….to sustain, in relationship you have to cheat….all together changes the total concept of relationship. The play talks about such two middle aged characters who wish to get married on their own terms with lot of baggage about past but unable to find suitable partner. Internet chatting helps them to fantasise and come face to face with reality. The play become talk of the town and gathered huge audience and fan following. After sad demise of Rasika in 2012, iThe Sonali Kulkarni steped in Rasika's shoes in 2014. Sonali always quote that she herself is big fan of this play and she took this challenge to prove that Show must go on.

Sonali took this play to Globle theatre with shows in Scotland UK and Thailand. Also because of her bollywood image, Milind adapted his own Marathi writing to Hinglish to reach wider audience.
After 10 years also the content of this play about virtual relationships is still relevant and so the demand from across the world. Of all said and done, the human need of love remains. But to love is to care. unless one keeps aside something one can not live with anyone. This play underlines this fact in a humouous black comedy way and undoubtedly this two actor play keeps you glued to your seats unless you fall down laughing at the agony and ecstacy of Whitelily And Nightrider.
Vancouver Show Details:
Date & Time: Sunday, June 16, 2019 at 4 PM – 7 PM
Location: 777 Columbia St, New Westminster
Tickets: https://www.ticketsnw.ca
The show in Vancouver is organized by FlixPlay Entertainment and supported by Vancouver Indian Forum , Avishkar Arts, & M12 Entertainment. The show is sponsored by Urban Home Team – The Real Estate Experts.